Your neighbors are often your single best security system. In some neighborhoods it’s virtually impossible for a burglar to enter the area on foot or by car without being observed. Unfortunately, however, many people simply don’t make an effort to get to know their neighbors.
They are hesitant to report suspicious people or vehicles fearing that they will be regarded as “snoopy”. You need not be close friends with your neighbors in order to look out for their interests. Neighborhoods in which people are truly concerned about each other and their mutual safety have extremely low burglary rates. Recent studies by criminologists point out that several such neighborhoods have had literally no burglaries within the past decade.
We can continue to build a neighborhood security system by becoming better acquainted with our neighbor’s everyday living patterns. By knowing when they are at work, on vacation, and so forth, we will be better able to judge whether a stranger should legitimately be at the neighbor’s home.
The greatest deterrent to a would-be burglar is the fear of getting caught. Each concerned citizen is another pair of eyes to let the criminal know he is being watched. Neighborhood Watch supplies these eyes.
Submit a Security Alert
What is Suspicious Activity?
- *A stranger entering your neighbor’s house when it is unoccupied.
- *Anyone removing car accessories, license plates, gasoline, etc.
- *Anyone peering into homes or parked cars.
- *Apparent business transactions conducted from a vehicle.
- *Anyone loitering around schools, parks, secluded areas or on the street.
- *Any vehicle moving slowly and without lights.
- *Vehicles containing one or more persons parked at unusual hours.
- *Vehicles being loaded with valuables in front of unoccupied houses.
How you can help!
Be alert to things happening on your street. Watch for the unusual – if you suspect anything out of the ordinary – call the police at 385-5000 (non-emergency phone number). Report anything which might indicate criminal activity. IF IN DOUBT, call the police.
The Police will want to know: What happened? When? Where? Is anyone injured? Vehicle license plate number? Vehicle description? Direction of flight/travel? Description of persons and their
Don’t be afraid of turning in a false alarm. Innocent activity will be regarded as such upon police investigation. Innocent citizens approached by the police as a result of your call will realize that our concern is for their well being.